Who are we, and what are we building?
Northern Ohio Mountain Bike Series is a grassroots MTB race series serving riders of Northern Ohio and surrounding areas. First and foremost we are riders, just like you. Each NOMBS race is put on by a local team, shop, or trail advocacy group. Our races are #RunByRiders. Race proceeds help fund youth cycling and local trails. Learn more below.

Great Races
Job 1 is to give you a great series and racing experience. Diverse venues, well marked courses, rain dates for early season races, and good communication.
We want you to come race with us, and we feel the best way to provide you a great experience is rather simple. Racers are our customers, we need to value our customers and give you a good product that you also value.
Building Community
That means you should not only feel welcome, but feel like you are part of NOMBS. Expect a lively but family friendly atmosphere at our races. Plus all NOMBS races support the cycling community in some way. Race revenues go back to youth programs, local charities, and trail funds.
Commitment To Women
Lady Racers at NOMBS get equal prizes and payouts, and their own starting wave. We will not combine your wave with a men’s wave for convenience.
Commitment To Youth
Cycling is a great sport for kids, and kids have different needs and goal. Some are chasing podiums, some are after the accomplishment of finishing their first race. Whatever the personal goal of a youth racer we strive to give them the best exerience we can. At the same time we keep youth entry fees as low as possible to help reduce barriers to participation.