NOMBS Women's Weekend 

Join us on June 27-29

2025 NOMBS Women's Weekend, My Roar Is Louder.  
here are some key details:

  • Cost is $40 for camp from Friday to Sunday

  • $40 for the race on Sunday. (register to pay here)

  • Included  are the following meals:

    • Saturday Breakfast

    • Saturday sack lunch

    • Sunday Breakfast

  • Saturday dinner is self pay and will be The Bus Stop Food Truck.

  • Skills and knowledge clinics on Saturday are also included as part of camp and include:

We've also chosen to make ROAR a fundraiser for Women Safe, who's mission is mission is to provide emergency shelter and support services to survivors of domestic violence throughout Northeast Ohio.
As far as we know this is the FIRST women's MTB festival of it's kind in Ohio, and we hope to make this the first year of many.

How can you help make Roar a success? Step 1, register early. Step 2 bring a friend.


West Branch State Park
5570 Esworthy Rd, Ravenna, OH 44266